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July 9 下北沢 Workshop - Getting There

Loving the turnover of returning champions and new challengers we've had over the last few months! Another good-sized group of people new, experienced, and some we haven't seen in at least a year - great to have them all together and helping each other so much!

We started with a simple walk across the room. Then built that into reasons to go - the push and the pull. We ran into obstacles of the mind and otherwise. We found opposites and how well they create tension and drama. We saved cats and kicked them. And built our way through some of the key beats in Save The Cat through simple movement and changes. It was crazy. And really cool to watch.

After the break we took on scenes from The Devil Wears Prada and Margot At The Wedding. In both scenes we were looking for the movements and the changes that would signal to the audience what was going on inside the characters. Tough

stuff. We found our way to some good


Getting a lot of pressure to have more workshops. We're working on it. I swear. Starting new classes at Waseda tomorrow and gearing up for a private workshop the the first rehearsals of a new stage show. So... Busy busy busy. I do promise we'll get back to Nagayama soon as we can.

In the meantime, we're looking forward to August! Hope to see you there!

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