May 13 下北沢 Workshop - Unwanted Thoughts
Happy to welcome another new challenger to today's Act in 英語 Workshop! Our returning champs were very welcoming and encouraging and really succeeded at helping a nervous newbie feel good.
It was good to get back to a blank scene after a long absence from them. We worked on the unwanted thoughts that pop into everyone's mind. How we can usually laugh at them or get rid of them, but that sometimes they really stick with us. Showing the audience - and your partner - that you've got a thought you want to get rid of really drives up interest.
After the break we put that into practice with three very different scenes with very different challenges. The Solaris scene challenged the actors to say a lot without words.
The Split scene was filled with words that hid the reality of what people were feeling.

And in Where The Wild Things Are the actors had to deal with directly challenging each other to answer things they can hardly face themselves.
Most of us stayed for a while to enjoy the Good Heavens food and hospitality while talking about all sorts of good things. Including the shared projects available through HitRecord. If you are looking for an international outlet to share your talent, look into HitRecord.